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It's all about you.

You or your organization decides what you’re planning. You decide how you plan it. We’re your “how”.

It’s necessary for your planning partner to understand the parameters set by your budget and by the who, what, where, when, and why. It’s also important get to know your experience with planning and your motivation for contacting us.  We provide full-scale planning from concept to completion or just day-of assistance.

The proposals that are created for you will address those parameters, your budget, preferences, experience and motivation. Choices will be provided with a level of detail that allows you to customize the proposals to best suit your needs.

Once the details have been decided, you can be involved as much or as little as you’d like. Event Design Group will plan, coordinate, manage and clean up. Easy.

Are you ready to get started?


[Let's do it!] [No, I'd like to know more.]